Author Archive for Jeff Musgrave

3 Steps to Leading Your Members to Read Their Bible Daily


WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT? We all know the importance of reading the Bible. It is our only offensive weapon in the spiritual war we engage in daily. When Jesus was tempted, He used the Word as his response each and every time. But you have to know it to use it. Here are three steps to use in building a habit of daily Bible reading.

WHAT DO I DO? Consider these ideas:

  1. Have a planned time. Set aside a specific time daily for reading. It doesn’t have to be a time on the clock either. It can be tied to something else you do every day. Choose to read right after breakfast or right before bed. I am an advocate of reading in the morning (even though I am not a morning person by any means). Pick a time and stick to it.
  2. Have a planned text. There are reading plans of all sorts out there to help people chose what to read each day. I always encourage people to start with a chapter of Proverbs each day. There are 31 chapters and you can read whatever chapter corresponds to the day of the month. When you get through them all, it is OK to read them again. There is a lot of wisdom in Proverbs and you will find that different ones stand out each month as you read.
  3. Have a planned talk. Ask someone to keep you accountable each day by asking you what you read. We all need a little motivation from time to time.

3 Ways to Challenge Members to Develop Spiritual Disciplines

by Jeff Musgrave

prayerhandsWHY IS THIS IMPORTANT? Paul reminded Timothy to “train for godliness” because it has value in every way. Training requires discipline, however, discipline isn’t a pleasant word for most of us. The Christian life demands that we be disciplined if we want to grow.

WHAT DO I DO? Here are some tips to get started:

  1. Start small. The easiest way to get overwhelmed is to try and do too much at once. Pick one spiritual discipline and work on that first. Make time for a daily devotion or prayer time perhaps.
  2. Be accountable. Just as most people do better at physical training when they have a trainer to help keep them on task and going, a spiritual trainer can help keep us stay disciplined in our spiritual activity.
  3. Track your growth. Consider keeping a journal or record of your activity with spiritual disciplines and recording what God is doing in your life through them. Keep a prayer journal with prayers you have prayed and answers God has given for instance.

Most of all, don’t give up. If you fail, start again. Spiritual disciplines aren’t easy, but they are worth the effort.