Author Archive for Maria Brannen

Teach Dynamically

VERSE:  Whcreativeteachingatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men. Colossians 3:23, ESV

WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT? According to one of the definitions for dynamic (dy·nam·ic) is “marked by usually continuous and productive activity or change.”  In the Christian realm, I think that most of us desire for our relationship with God to be dynamic in the sense that we want to be in a continuous state of growing in our relationship with him – which would often produce activity and change.  So it is important that this carries over into our teaching time on Sundays, Wednesdays, or whenever we are teaching at church.

WHAT DO I DO? As I began to think of the topic of teaching dynamically and the definition above, several key thoughts and actions came to mind:

  • Spend time in God’s word on a daily basis
  • Pray for God’s directions, for your class time, for the kids in your class and their families.
  • Prepare.  Take time to prepare to teach God’s word and to share the Greatest story ever
  • Develop relationships with your group members. Get to know them.  They are all created in his image.
  • Take advantage of training opportunities.
  • Choose to take time to teach creatively to different learning styles.

What would you add to this list to have a dynamic teaching time?

Maria Brannen has served as a State Missionary with the Georgia Baptist Mission Board since 1998 and is a Kids Groups and Faith Development Consultant. Prior to that, she served on church staff in Georgia and Texas. She has produced multiple resources including Bible Drill Devotional Books, Youth Bible Drill Leader’s Guides and a Bible Drill app in the iTunes store.  Connect with Maria at,    
or . Maria’s e-mail is

Top 5 Things Needed in Every Children’s Classroom

EmilyWhy is this important?

“…And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart.  You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down and when you rise.” Deuteronomy 6:6-8. (ESV)

In order to effectively partner with parents, we must intentionally maximize our impact in the time we have with kids at church. Here are 5 things that are needed in every children’s classroom at Church:

  1. Trained Teachers who have a love for Christ and Kids. Offering training and resources for children’s teachers will equip them to help lay intentional spiritual foundations and to share their faith with the Kids.
  1. Bible – Children are concrete learners. When we are intentional in having children use their Bibles in class each week, it reinforces the importance of God’s Word and helps to develop Bible Skills and a love for scripture.
  1. Kids – If we are to reach the next generation, our church needs to have a heart for kids and their families. We need to seek ways to plug into the community and develop relationships with young families.
  1. An intentional plan to teach about Jesus. – As a church, we need to wisely choose curriculum for our classrooms that is age appropriate and lays Biblical foundations in the lives of our kids.
  1. A plan to connect and partner with parents/family –. Communicate what you are teaching each week as well as recommend resources that can be used at home.

Redeem the Time  . . .Ephesians 5:16


Maria Brannen has served as a State Missionary with the Georgia Baptist Mission Board since 1998 and is a Kids Groups and Faith Development Consultant. Prior to that, she served on church staff in Georgia and Texas. She has produced multiple resources including Bible Drill Devotional Books, Youth Bible Drill Leader’s Guides and a Bible Drill app in the iTunes store.  Connect with Maria at,

or . Maria’s e-mail is