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Keep Group Socials Focused on those who need Christ

peopletogetherToo many of our group socials are about us and what we want and not about them and what they need. There are those who we might know who need to know Jesus.  Every group social that we plan needs to keep the lost in mind.  Here are some simple steps that will aid in your planning to make your socials more open to those who need Christ.

  • Socials should be accessible. Think about the time, location and cost of an event that you are planning.  These can prohibit people from attending because of hardships placed on those we are seeking to reach.
  • Socials should be available. Understand that most classes will only have 40-60 percent of its members in attendance. To announce your socials to the most faithful will result in most faithful attending.  Promote well with announcements, email, social media and phone calls.  Everyone should be welcome regardless of their attendance when your group meets.
  • Encourage members to bring friends to your socials. Some will attend a social event that might not attend your regular group meeting. Have socials that will relate well to the age group and the things they enjoying doing together.
  • Plan socials that are a mission project or are connected to a mission project. It is about them and not us.  We should be reaching out to people who need Christ to attend our socials and our socials themselves should be reaching out to others.


Mike Taylor is a Sunday School missionary with the Georgia Baptist Convention

Three Simple Steps You Can Take To Pray For The Lost In Your Group

Three simple steps you can take to pray for the lost in your group

Everyday the people in our groups interact with those who need Christ. They need to be reaching out to their world with the gospel.   As your groups meet, you can take a few simple steps to make sure that you are not only doing the work of discipleship in the groups but making sure you are taking a first step in discipleship by praying for the lost.  Here are three simple things you can do.

  1. Gather the names and contact information of people who need Christ. Everyone knows lost people.  Do this regularly.  You could survey the group and ask them to write down the names and contact information.  As you take prayer requests, ask if there are lost people for which you can pray.
  1. Put the names of people who need Christ on your prayer list. We will pray for almost anything in a very personal and specific way.  There is a tendency not to get too personal with the spiritual needs of others.  These needs are the most important. As we pray over these people, it will cause the conversation and concern in the room to move more toward reaching people.
  1. Show acts of kindness and love from your group to those that are the object of your prayers. Making a positive connection is a first step in making disciples. We must work to emphasize a culture of love and concern for those who need Christ.


Mike Taylor is the Adult Groups and Faith Development Leader for the Georgia Baptist Mission Board.

Groups and Guests – Good for Each Other

When a group has embraced the Great Commission as its purpose, it has the proper foundation to build a great group.  Once that foundation is laid, the following principles can be applied.

  • Groups need to understand their purpose. If we understand the “why” of what we are about, then it will define the “how” of getting it done.  If the why is reaching and discipling people, then we have the direction for how we are going to accomplish the work.
  • Groups should be excited about themselves. When a person enjoys the fellowship, the teaching, and missions and ministry a group is doing, then they will want others to be a part.  We will invite our friends to something that we hope will bring as much to theirs lives as it has ours.
  • Groups need to anticipate guests. If we pray for God to grow our group and the group understands that invited guests are going to grow the group, then we need to plan for their attendance.  Having a place for them to sit, having people ready to receive them, and having a plan to follow-up with them shows that we are anticipating them attending the group.
  • Groups need to assimilate guests. When people attend a group for the first time, they need to know that the group wants them to be a part.  That means they are welcomed and introduced and immediately included in the planning of socials and mission activities of the class.
  • Groups need to follow-up with guests. Getting together with a guest outside of the group meeting space and time helps the guest know that we care about them. They sense that we are willing to use our time and resources to invest in them.  Immediate connections should be made on the day the group meets.  This can be done by text, email, or social media.  This will help to answer any immediate question that they might have about the group or the church.
  • Groups should be excited about their guests. This excitement comes from a sense of success that they are doing a good job reaching out to people.  It comes from a room filling up.  We all want to be a part of something that is successful.

If we stick to our purpose of reaching and discipling people, we have a benchmark to measure our success in doing kingdom work.


Mike Taylor is a Sunday School state missionary with the Georgia Baptist Convention. Stay current with Georgia’s “Growing Groups” ministry at

Day 10-Teacher Requests

prayerAs a young boy I remember visiting my neighbor who happened to be my Sunday School teacher. It was a time when there was only one bread winner in the house so she prepared her lesson during the day when I was out and about in the neighborhood. Her door was always open for me to come in and we had that kind of relationship. It was rare for me to come into their home and not see the Bible open with a Leader Guide beside it as she prepared to teach. She would take the time to teach me then and there. That lesson was coming alive in her life and she wanted to share with me what God was doing in her. I think I learned more from her as she was preparing than when she was presenting the lesson on Sunday. Her initial focus was not her students but herself. As teachers we must allow God to work in us before He works through us. This does not mean we will be perfect, but it does mean that we will be available for God to use us as we teach. Here are some ways you can pray as you prepare yourself and your lesson.

  • Pray that God would make known the sin in your life and then confess it. A clean heart allows for God to have every part of us as we teach. (Ps. 51:10)
  • Pray that God would teach you the lesson through His Holy Spirit as you prepare. (Jn. 14:26) Jesus told his disciples that the Holy Spirit would remind them of the things He had taught them. If we pray to that end He will remind us as well.
  • Pray for God to change your heart through His Word to be more like Him. A changed life is a reflection of a changed heart. As we grow, our students need to see life change in us.
  • Pray for a passion to teach that comes from your life being changed by Him. We need to have examples of how God has worked in our lives through our preparation of the lesson.
  • Pray for each one on your roll (ministry list) and how God can use His Word in their lives as well. The spiritual lives of our people are just as important if not more so than the physical needs that they might have.
  • Pray for an open heart and mind to use the best teaching styles for that lesson. We want our group to experience the life change that we have, so we need them to learn. The way that God will teach them is not necessarily the way that he has taught you. Be open to a different teaching style.

Maximize Your Ministry Potential

When we start a new group, it should be started with ministry in mind. Ministry through groups is done through two channels. First, it is done through an inward ministry which gives the group identity. Through care groups or teams, we know the needs of our group and minister to them as opportunities arise. Everyone has needs. Sometimes those needs are small, and other times they can be overwhelming. When needs are met, it helps members of a new group to have a sense of belonging with a group of people who love and care about them in the body of Christ.

Secondly, we minister through our groups by serving those on the outside. This is done through mission projects which the group needs to do together. This is more than just taking up an offering in our class for a need. Serving others and sharing the love of Christ with others has a significant impact on the health of a group. Groups who only seek to meet the needs of their own

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tend to become inward focused and closed to others coming in. It is vital that we reach out to others with the gospel and share the love of Christ. Keeping a Kingdom mindset by ministering to others keeps us Kingdom focused and allows us to stay on task concerning the purpose of our groups.

Consider these as potential places of ministry service through your group.

Bible Study Teacher

Bible Study Apprentice

Group Administrator

Care Group Leader


Fellowship Organizer

Outreach Leader


Mission Leader