Archive for Evangelism – Page 2

Intentionality 3: It is our opportunity

Who’s Your One?

Intentionality –Look for opportunities to have spiritual conversations with your one.

It is Your Opportunity!

Think about it, the greatest miracle of all is when someone gives their life to Christ and they are forever, radically changed. And you get to be a part of that.

In Acts 1:8, God calls us a witness. The same life-changing gospel that has made us a child of God, we can share with others. It’s like having a horrible disease and we are given a cure. Wouldn’t you want to give others the life-altering cure that you have received?

Matthew 28:19 describes the Great Commission; to make disciples. The original language describes this as an imperative. We are commanded to go and make disciples. Not only do others benefit from our “going”, but we benefit as well. We see the work of God.

In John 4:1-42 we have the story of Jesus and the Samaritan Woman. Jews normally did not travel through Samaria. So, then why in verse 4 does the scripture say that Jesus, “Had to travel through Samaria”? Jesus was “sent” to Samaria, to a certain well, to encounter a certain woman who travelled to the well in the middle of the day. That encounter not only changed the Samaritan woman’s life, but the lives of many in her village that day.

Jesus exemplifies for us the opportunity that God has provided to you and me. We were sinners, destined to spend eternity separated from God in a real place called Hell. But by the Grace of God, Jesus sent someone into our lives to share with us the wonderful gift of salvation. Because of that, our lives and our world was changed. We were blessed to receive this precious gift. But those who shared with us also received a blessing from God.

Pray and ask that God will provide a divine encounter for you and your one. Don’t waste an opportunity to experience a life altering, life changing encounter with God.

Pray, and then just do it!

Intentionality 2: It is our responsibility

Who’s Your One?

Intentionality – Look for opportunities to have spiritual conversations with your one.

It is YOUR Responsibility!

Someone else can do it better than I can! I just don’t have that gift! What if I mess it up? These excuses are symptomatic of a deeper spiritual issue – Fear and doubt. You are a child of God. You have been saved. You are someone that God can use. You have a testimony. You also have the Holy Spirit who will speak through you to draw someone to Christ with the power of the Gospel.

Someone else can do it better than I can! – The truth is some people ARE better at sharing the gospel than you. BUT, you are the one that God has placed in a position to share the gospel with your ONE. God has placed this individual on your heart. God has provided the opportunity and the relationship for them to hear the good news from you.

I just don’t have that gift! – Whether or not you have the spiritual gift of evangelism is irrelevant. What you do have is a testimony. God has saved you. He has changed you. Once you were a sinner that deserved death and Hell. But you accepted God’s merciful grace and you are born again. Your unique testimony may just be exactly what someone needs to hear.

What if I mess it up? – The process of communication teaches us the complexity of a conversation. One person has a thought, then calculates the words to say, then tells them to a friend. The other person hears the words, processes those words then hopefully understands what their friend just told them. Add the noises and distractions in your environment plus the fact that our body language may communicate something totally different from what our words might have meant.

HOWEVER, as complex as that is, we have something more. We have the Holy Spirit. God uses us to form words that the Spirit will use to communicate the truth of the Gospel. Jesus saves, not us. God is using us to share the gospel, but it is His Holy Spirit that leads someone to salvation. If we are obedient, how can you mess that up?

I am grateful that God has used me to share my story and God’s story with others. I have been privileged to see so many people pray to receive Christ. I have seen lives changed. I have seen the wonderful miracle of God’s grace and mercy transform a life for His glory.

Tell your story. No one else has a story like you do. It is a story only you can tell.

Pray, and then just do it!

Intentionality 1: It is our time

Who’s Your One?

Intentionality – Look for opportunities to have spiritual conversations with your one.

The TIME is NOW!

So often, we put off what we don’t want to do today. Procrastination is one of the most critical failures of the Christian in sharing our faith. We are not promised a “tomorrow”. Today is the day of salvation.

The Bible describes our lives as a “mist” or a “vapor”. Here today, gone tomorrow. There needs to be an urgency to sharing the gospel. No one knows what could happen tomorrow. We are not promised another day. When death comes, it most often happens when we least expect it. We can be so focused on living our lives that we can miss opportunities that God puts into our path.

1 There is an occasion for everything, and a time for every activity under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1 (CSBBible) The whole chapter of Ecclesiastes 3 reminds us to redeem the times. 11 Again I saw under the sun that the race is not to the swift, or the battle to the strong, or bread to the wise, or riches to the discerning, or favor to the skillful; rather, time and chance happen to all of them. Ecclesiastes 9:11 (CSBBible) Why take a chance. Why not redeem the time and start the conversation today. Trust God to lead you and give you the words.

Notice that the word Intercede precedes the word intentionality. Prayer must precede sharing the gospel with someone who is not a believer. These are spiritual issues and need to be entrusted to God to guide and lead. We can’t save anyone. God does that. Thus we need to pray and wait on God. Unfortunately, sometimes God initiates and draws us out to share the truth and we want to wait. The time is NOW! Sometimes we get ahead of God but more often than not, we tend to put it off.

32 “Now concerning that day or hour no one knows – neither the angels in heaven nor the Son – but only the Father. 33 “Watch! Be alert! For you don’t know when the time is coming. Mark 13:32-33 (CSBBible)

Don’t wait. Don’t put it off. The TIME is NOW!

Pray, and then just do it!

Identify Your One – Part 1

Do you know who your one is?  Do the members of your Sunday School class know who there one is?  In this post and the two to follow you will learn a process to help you discover who your one is as well as guiding your class or group to do the same.

The steps in this process may seem simple or even childish but these ideas will help you discover that one that needs Jesus.

The goal of  “WHO’S YOUR ONE?” is for every member to identify at least one person that is lost and without Christ.  This discovery process is designed to aid you in leading your class/group to identify lost people.  At the conclusion, every member of your class/group is to have at least one lost person that they are praying for and sharing the gospel.

Beginning the Discovery Process

If you do not prepare your class/group, you will discover fewer prospects.  The key to the success of the process is to communicate in advance with the members of class/group.  The leaders will need to educate members about this three-week process before it begins.

What will you tell your members?  “We are identifying people that are lost and in need of Christ as Savior.  In week one we will identify those in our homes and our neighbors who may be lost.  In week two we will identify our co-workers and our friends who are lost.  In week three we will identify our relatives and those we have regular contact with who are lost.  So go ahead and start praying asking God to show you who in your home, neighborhood, workplace, friends, and family that may be lost.”

As you begin the process each week during class/group time, say, “If you have been a Christian for two or more years, then more than likely the large percentage of your friends are Christians.  It could be that we have never really thought about the spiritual condition of those around us.  The goal of “WHO’S YOUR ONE?” is for each of us to identify at least one lost person.  We are going to be praying for them and sharing the gospel with them.  Today we are going to identify our _________ (family members in our homes/neighbors, co-workers/friends, or relatives/acquaintances) who are lost..”

The weekly process should not take more than five-ten minutes of the class/group time.  Throughout the process you will need to remind the class/group why they are doing the prospect discovery process.  You may even have to bring some people up-to-date because they were absent the previous week.

Dr. Smith is the lead state missionary with the Georgia Baptist Mission Board and serves the Sunday School, Small Groups, Discipleship and Faith Development Specialist.  Visit their website at for more information and other resources to aid your Sunday School or Small Group.  Dr. Smith is available for conferences or other speaking opportunities and can be contacted at

Who’s Your ONE!

God’s Method of Evangelism, A Personal Witness

How has personal evangelism become so ignored, so forgotten? How has it gotten left behind in the church’s priority? How has the burden for lost souls escaped our attention? When was the last time we shed tears for a lost family member or friend?

Enter Who’s Your One (a national emphasis by Southern Baptists). Three words that can awaken our sleepy souls. Three words that can warm our cold hearts.

Who. Who do you know that does not know God? What relative, friend, neighbor, work associate, or schoolmate is headed to Hell? Who is it that lies within your circle of influence that desperately needs you to talk with them about Jesus?

Your. This is personal. We are not talking about the preacher, the deacons, etc. We are talking about you. It is God’s will and His command for every believer to be a witness. In the Great Commission Jesus said, “Go ye,” not, “Go y’all.” Are you satisfied with living in disobedience to the command of Jesus? Isn’t disobedience sin?

One. The challenge is not for you and I to become another Billy Graham winning ten of thousands to Christ. The challenge is to win one. Each one of us to care enough about one lost soul to pray for them, love them, and witness to them of God’s salvation.

In Luke 16, the rich man in Hell lifted up his eyes being in torment and made a request of Abraham, “I pray you, father, that you would send Lazarus to my father’s house, for I have five brothers, that he may testify to them, lest they also come to this place of torment.” (vs. 27-28) Fact: People in Hell are interested in soul-winning but can’t “testify.” It’s time we, as God’s ambassadors, got interested in soul-winning because we can testify! Who’s Your One?