Archive for Annual Sunday School planning day

9 Reasons to Have an Annual Growth Planning Day


Proverbs 29:18, “where there is no vision the people perish.”  Certainly, the Sunday School Leadership Team should design a plan to close the gap between where the Sunday School organization is and where they want it to be. But a teacher or group leader should lead their group to learn from the past, better understand the present, and move purposefully toward the future.


My mom taught a Sunday School class for over 50 years.  One of the things that I learned from her was the importance of having regular class meetings. As a teacher, I practice having an annual growth planning day with my group.  Here are nine reasons why:

  1. Planning gives you the opportunity to solve potential problems.
  2. Planning helps the group to be more productive.
  3. Planning allows you to celebrate accomplishments.
  4. Planning makes growth more likely.
  5. Planning enables the anticipation of future needs.
  6. Planning helps bring about balance.
  7. Planning helps plans become ours rather than theirs.
  8. Planning helps make better use of the group giftedness and resources.
  9. Planning makes happier members (and leaders).

Dream a big dream. God wants to use your group to see people saved, baptized and developed.


Mark Miller, Tennessee Baptist Convention