Archive for belonging to a small group

The Need to Belong

belongingDo the people in your group or class genuinely care about you? Your perception of how you believe people feel about you guides how you behave in your relationship with them. If you feel like no one in your group cares about you, you are less likely to join them weekly in a Bible study.

People need to feel loved. They need to know that they “belong” in a group. They need to feel connected. They want to feel like they are a part of a family.

Having a sense of belonging to your group or class is what keeps people connected. So, how do you help people feel like they belong?

  • Know the people who are a part of your group or class by name and their story. The more we know about them, the easier it is to help them feel accepted. Ask them open ended questions about their life and listen.
  • Engage people by making them feel a part. Give them responsibility or a role in the group or class. People who have a role are more likely to attend and stay connected.
  • Connect with them regularly through social media, texting, calling, at socials, events and church functions.
  • Give them the opportunity for input into the direction, work and ministry of the class. The more opportunities for input a person has the greater they feel a part of something.

How can someone really belong unless they are connected?


Sean Keith is the Sunday School specialist for the Louisiana Baptist Convention