Archive for connection

3 Ways to Use Social Media to Build Relationships

fbconnectWHY IS THIS IMPORTANT? One word: Relationships. Every group leader should consider utilizing today’s media to connect with group members. And every group should consider which forms of social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. will work best.

WHAT DO I DO? Here are three ways to use social media to increase connections:

  1. View, create and share information. Groups of all sizes are utilizing facebook, twitter, and other forms of social media to communicate.  They communicate upcoming activities, prayer requests, and concerns.  Every group member is a person who needs a place to belong and be loved just for who they are.
  2. Share interests and passions. God has made each member unique.  One of the great things about social media is hearing the passion of group members.  Group are most effective in reaching beyond their classroom wall, when they mobilize around group members’ passions and interests.  Every group member is a missionary with gifts, talents, and passions.
  3. Continue the lesson after the group meeting. Reinforce the central point or life lesson that was taught by sending out a tweet, an email, a link, or a challenge during the week.  Seek input from group members on how they are taking the truth of God’s word and applying it in their everyday life.  Every group member is either exploring Christ or on a life-long journey of discipleship to become like Christ.

Social media is one way to build a more connected group and a foundation to build stronger relationships and groups.

Is Social Media Useful for Reaching People in Your Group?

facebookWHY IS THIS IMPORTANT? We all want connection.  People inside and outside your group use Social Media every day, trying to find connection with one another.  That is why it is a multibillion dollar industry.  We all want to connect people together and to information we find important.

In fact, you are probably reading this blog article because some form of social media directed you here.  You were sent an email, saw a tweet, or read a post and you clicked it hoping to find a potential solution to a challenge you are experiencing in your group ministry leadership right now.

WHAT DO I DO? Social Media is just what it says it is. Media is information or data. It is anything we speak, hear, do, see, share, or experience that passes along information.  Social is simply the way that media travels, relationally from person to person.  Isn’t that what we are about in our groups ministries: Connecting Socially to share the most important Media known to man, the gospel of Jesus Christ, with those who need to hear it?

Here are a few ways you can use Social Media to reach people in your group:

  • Start closed Facebook groups for all the classes and groups in your church.
  • Use your posting and sharing as a source of encouragement by avoiding negativity on your feed.
  • Share articles and blogs that encourage your group members to think through topics discussed in your group.
  • Be open to ideas that may seem contradictory to your way of thinking, and be prepared to civilly discuss these concerns with compassion and reverence (1 Peter 3:15)
  • Use your social pages and groups to promote community events where group members can connect beyond the group time.
  • Practice typing your Christian testimony in 140 characters or less.

For more information on this topic with additional links to resources, visit:

3 Best Practices to Ensure a Welcoming Climate

churchgreeterWHY IS THIS IMPORTANT? Remember this story: “Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it.”

First Impressions are lasting impressions.  Most groups think they are friendly.  I have literally attended Sunday School classes where no one talked to me or my wife.  I am sure they thought that somebody would do it, but nobody did it and we didn’t go back.

WHAT DO I DO?  If you want to make a ensure that your group has a welcoming climate, implement these three best practices:

  1. Enlist somebody to do it.  That somebody could be the teacher.  Ideally teachers should arrive early and be ready to greet the guests.  That somebody could be the Outreach Leader.  Since they will want to follow up, the outreach leader could serve as primary greeter for the group.  That somebody could be a “Hidden” Greeter.  Somebody needs see a new person on Sunday morning, initiates a conversation and makes sure that the guests and members are welcomed and have a great experience. Don’t assume that everybody will be friendly, enlist somebody.
  2. Encourage your group to smile and show their teeth.  Life is hard.  Greet everyone with a smile, call everyone by name (consider wearing nametags) and let everyone know that they are loved.
  3. Remember the real test of a friendly class comes after the benediction.  Train your people to speak to each other, to care about each other.  Guests are watching.

How’s the welcoming climate in your group?