Archive for Effective Class Time

Scheduling Makes Class Time More Effective

scheduleWHY IS THIS IMPORTANT? I’ve been accused of calendaring everything, even my own funeral!  There is a story but way too long for this short blog.  Even in our Sunday School classes we need to be better organized with the limited time that we have on Sunday mornings.  The following is a schedule that I like to use and recommend to other Sunday School teachers and leaders.  Please note that this is for an adult class and will not work in a class for preschoolers or elementary age children.


Fellowshipping Together (5-10 minutes)

  1. The FELLOWSHIP LEADER will provide light refreshments.
  2. The SECRETARY will begin the record keeping process.
  3. The ADMINISTRATIVE LEADER will make announcements and serve as the timekeeper.

Evangelizing Others (5-10 minutes)

  1. The GREETER is welcoming everyone and assisting guests to be registered.
  2. The MISSIONS LEADER will lead the group to be involved in missions.
  3. The OUTREACH/EVANGELISM LEADER will lead the group to pray for the lost, be involved in outreach ministry and contact those on the prospect list.

Loving People (5-10 minutes)

  1. The CARE GROUP LEADERS will report on prayer needs and ministry opportunities discovered as well as identify those absent and make plans for follow-up.
  2. The PRAYER LEADER will lead the group to pray for specific needs and ask for other prayer needs.

Investigating God’s Word (30-45 minutes)

  1. The DISCIPLESHIP LEADER will remind the group of the importance of a personal worship time and distribute devotional guides.

The TEACHER or the APPRENTICE will lead the will lead the Bible study.  Bible study should have at least 30 minutes.



By: Dr. Smith serves as a state missionary with the Georgia Baptist Mission Board and is the Groups and Faith Development Specialist.  Visit their website at for more information and other resources to aid your ministry.  You can also connect with Dr. Smith at or  Dr. Smith is available for conferences or other speaking opportunities and can be contacted at