Archive for enrollment

One out of Three

thirdWHY IS THIS IMPORTANT? Andy Anderson did Sunday School research and conferencing for the Baptist Sunday School Board (now LifeWay) in the 1970s. He made an important discovery in his research among small, medium, and large churches around the country–who were in a mix of rural, suburban, and city settings. He discovered that when 3 lost people were enrolled and active in Sunday School for a year, one out of the three would be saved.

Because that research was dated, over the last five years I  have asked Kentucky pastors how many lost people are saved in the first year of attending their classes. The consistent responses from over 100 pastors is 50-100%! Wow, we need to enroll and care for more lost people in Sunday School!

WHAT DO I DO? Lead your class to see, pursue, and include lost people. Lead your class to…

  1. Pray. Identify and pray for lost people in the age group for the class.
  2. Connect. Get to know lost people, especially those for whom they are praying.
  3. Invite. Include lost people in your invitations for fellowships, projects, meals, and group time.
  4. Enroll. Ask them if you may add them to your class care list.
  5. Care. Contact them, pray for them, fellowship with them, and meet their needs.
  6. Example. Talk about someone you are praying for, inviting, and working to enroll.

Lead the class to make a list of lost people to pray for and reach out to. Lead your class to take steps this month!

Anytime, Anywhere

carecardWHY IS THIS IMPORTANT? When we enroll people in Sunday School and provide consistent care for them through the class, about half of them will attend during group time (40% in larger churches and 60% in smaller churches). To increase class attendance, we need to increase our enrollment AND our care. And everyone needs to be part of the effort!

Without an emphasis on enrolling new people, classes will not grow and fewer people will be reached. Your leadership and example matter.

WHAT DO I DO? Enroll people anytime, anywhere. How? Consider these ideas:

  • Training. Teach your class about the value and benefits of enrollment. Help them to consider doing so on regular life paths throughout the week.
  • Terms. Change your conversation from enrolling people to adding people to your class care list.
  • Prayer. Spend time praying together about reaching new class members.
  • Goal. Together set a goal for the number of new class members you want to add this year.
  • Plans. Make plans for how to invite, reach, and care for new members.
  • Challenge. Print simple class care list invitations. Regularly give them to your class to share with friends, relatives, associates, and neighbors.
  • Fellowships. Invite people to fellowships, projects, and meals. Ask if you can add them to your class care list.
  • Evaluate. Take time often to talk about progress on your goal and plans.
  • Communicate. Remind frequently.

There are tons more ideas for enrolling anytime, anywhere. Press Comments and share your ideas.

Enroll + Care = 50% in Attendance

50percentWHY IS THIS IMPORTANT? Too many classes are on an ensmallment campaign–continuing to get smaller. One of the reasons is enrollment decline inevitably leads attendance to follow. For our classes to grow, enrollment must increase. But adding names to the roll by itself is not enough. Care must accompany enrollment. In fact, adding someone to our enrollment is because we and they desire care.

WHAT DO I DO? If we enroll people, and provide care for them, about 50% will attend. How do I know that? That is what is happening in our classes already! In smaller churches, that might be 60-70%. In larger churches, that might be 40%.

Ask the unenrolled if you can add them to the class care list? What is a care list? It is the list of people for whom your class prays, ministers in time of need, and invites to fellowships and projects.

This is much more than adding them to a prospect list. Enroll them. Follow God’s leadership to pray and care for them. Invite them to meals, fellowships, and projects with your members. Enroll them. Call them weekly to share prayer requests, check on prayer needs, and pray with them. Respond to stress and needs discovered in their lives as if they were faithful attenders. Enroll them.

Enroll. Care. Then invite. When classes practice these in this order, about 50% attendance will result. Focus the prayer and care of the class on them. Then invite them your group this week!