Archive for fellowship

Forged With Food: Why Group Socials are Valuable

Sometimes we find ourselves attending a group but for some reason connection points are difficult to achieve.  Your group might have a great ongoing study, but never underestimate the value of socials.  A meal attached to “social” is an invaluable tool in the Sunday School toolbox.

Socials are an incredible part of our groups and in some new groups it might take as much as 50% of our group time.  How could this be you say?!  It is the nature of people to desire a connection with others and have friends.  In the beginning words of the Bible it is clear we are not to be alone.  We are social beings.

  • Group Socials provide a place for us to get to know one another.
    Sometimes 10 minutes of “hello” is not enough.
  • Groups Socials provide a place to make friends.
    Many times ice breakers help to achieve a new comfort level because we are getting to know the people in our group through a simple game.
  • Group Socials provide us a place to be accepted.
    Sharing a meal with someone is a very disarming event.  We see it many times in the text and is great way to begin conversations with others.
  • Group Socials can eliminate loneliness in people’s lives.
    We have no idea how lonely people can be in a crowd.  Many people go months, years in fact with sharing a simple meal with friends.

Never underestimate the power of group socials.  I would encourage some type of gathering at least once a quarter.  This one action could galvanize your group and push them to invite friends to the groups as well.  Sharing a meal with someone is a wonderful way to bring together and grow your group.

Jonathan Jordan is the State Missionary at the Georgia Baptist Mission Board.

12 Monthly Fellowship Ideas

kiteWHY IS THIS IMPORTANT? Josh Hunt wrote in How to Double Your Class in Two Years or Less: “Invite every member and every prospect to a fellowship every month.”  Relationships are the key to growth!

WHAT DO I DO? Organize your group by enlisting a Fellowship or Member Care Leader that is responsible for providing opportunities for the group to build a sense of community.  Here are 12 Monthly Fellowship Ideas Starters that my groups have done:

  • January: Dinner and a Movie
  • February: Super Bowl Party
  • March: Go Fly a Kite
  • April:  Class Picnic
  • May:  Campout
  • June: Baseball Game
  • July: Fireworks and Homemade Ice Cream
  • August: Luau
  • September:  Class Meeting
  • October: Conduct a Ministry Project
  • November: Game Night
  • December:  Christmas Party

Have Fun!   Remember to invite every member and every prospect to a fellowship every month.

Is Social Media Useful for Reaching People in Your Group?

facebookWHY IS THIS IMPORTANT? We all want connection.  People inside and outside your group use Social Media every day, trying to find connection with one another.  That is why it is a multibillion dollar industry.  We all want to connect people together and to information we find important.

In fact, you are probably reading this blog article because some form of social media directed you here.  You were sent an email, saw a tweet, or read a post and you clicked it hoping to find a potential solution to a challenge you are experiencing in your group ministry leadership right now.

WHAT DO I DO? Social Media is just what it says it is. Media is information or data. It is anything we speak, hear, do, see, share, or experience that passes along information.  Social is simply the way that media travels, relationally from person to person.  Isn’t that what we are about in our groups ministries: Connecting Socially to share the most important Media known to man, the gospel of Jesus Christ, with those who need to hear it?

Here are a few ways you can use Social Media to reach people in your group:

  • Start closed Facebook groups for all the classes and groups in your church.
  • Use your posting and sharing as a source of encouragement by avoiding negativity on your feed.
  • Share articles and blogs that encourage your group members to think through topics discussed in your group.
  • Be open to ideas that may seem contradictory to your way of thinking, and be prepared to civilly discuss these concerns with compassion and reverence (1 Peter 3:15)
  • Use your social pages and groups to promote community events where group members can connect beyond the group time.
  • Practice typing your Christian testimony in 140 characters or less.

For more information on this topic with additional links to resources, visit: