Archive for Instagram and small groups

Using Instagram in Your Group

socialmediacloudsWHY IS THIS IMPORTANT? We are a visual generation.  Everyone loves pictures and the growth of Instagram, Snapchat, Vine, and so many other video and photo sharing sites are proof that pictures and videos help get a message across. Whether or not all those messages are worth sharing is up for debate.  With the growth of any social media industry comes danger and we must be cautious in how we embrace new media sharing technologies.

We have a message worth sharing.  Week after week, group leaders connect group members to each other and to the timeless message of the truths found in God’s word.  It’s time to redeem Instagram and help connect your group members together by presenting a message worth sharing with the world.

WHAT DO I DO? In a another post, I shared about the importance of creating a closed Facebook group for your group members.  As a group leader, you can link your Instagram posts to this group to help get the message out in creative ways. Remember to make these images and videos “public” if you want them shared beyond your group.

  1. Make a selfie invite video for your next group session: You may not like selfies, but in time, you will get comfortable with it. You only have 15 seconds, so make it short and to the point.
  2. Create an image teaser post about an upcoming event: Connecting your group outside of meeting times is a great way to build community within your group.
  3. Post a creative image of the main point or scripture passage from your lesson: Instagram has filters and the ability to add text to your graphic to get your point across.
  4. Use it to posts icebreaker questions that relate (or don’t relate) to your next lesson topic: Use comments below your question during your teaching time to provide personal illustrations.

What would you add to this list? Use the comment section below or on our Sunday School Leader Facebook page to posts your additional tips and ideas.


Jason McNair is the Strengthening Churches Missionary for Utah Idaho Southern Baptist Convention. He also coordinates most of the social media promotion for this blog,