Archive for new leader

3 Things to Observe When Enlisting a Leader to Help You

BinocularVisionWHY IS THIS IMPORTANT? Most teachers can only care well for about 5 people. Often teachers are good at one or two of the following: teaching, member care, and outreach. To care well and grow a class requires teachers to surround themselves with other leaders. But how do I find the right one?

WHAT DO I DO? First, pray and don’t rush! Then determine the greatest need you and the class have. With the specific need in mind, begin to observe these three areas:

  • Testimony. Listen. Listen to what is said about life, God, and the Word. Look for clues about what God is doing in a potential leader’s life. Is spiritual maturity expressed? What do you learn from the potential leader and others about the leader’s character?
  • Interactions. Pay attention to how the potential leader relates to others. Are good people skills used? Is care expressed? Does the leader listen well? Is there a concern for discovering and meeting needs? Are the fruit of the Spirit evident?
  • Opportunities. Do life together. Eat a meal. Go to a game. Make a visit or plan a fellowship together. Make assignments. Talk. Get to know each other. Debrief experiences to gain further insight.

Patiently pray. God will send the laborers (Matthew 9:38). Seek His leadership. Focus on one need. As you pray, observe how God is at work in the potential leader’s life through testimony, interactions, and opportunities. When you are sure of God’s choice, ask the leader to join you!