Archive for praying

Training Care Leaders

Since the goal of Care Teams is to help others grow through serving, the best way to make sure that happens is to train the Care Leaders. As mentioned in “It Begins With Prayer” by Dwayne McCrary, even making simple phone calls requires some training.

We always want volunteers to have a good experience serving, which is why it’s always a good idea to provide a clear ministry description and training. Here are some things to consider including in your training:

  • Talk about the importance of confidentiality. When people share prayer needs or family concerns this information should always be considered confidential unless they have been given permission to share it.
  • The length of the call. There is no hard-set rule for this, but always be considerate of other people’s time. I’ve found that people appreciate it when you ask them at the beginning of the call if they have a few minutes to talk.
  • Listen to discover needs. The purpose of your call is to provide care, and there may be a specific need that you can’t help them with but someone else can. Again, before sharing any information about the person always ask permission.
  • Remember to pray for them before you get off the call. One of the greatest ways to say we care is to lift their concerns up to God in prayer. Take time and pray for them on the call, this is the best way to be sure that you won’t forget. 

These are just a few of things to consider for your training, as you develop the ministry description consider what skills are needed and look for ways to help your Care Leaders develop them.

Written by David Ludwig, Associate Director of Healthy Churches, Baptist Resource Network of Pennsylvania and South Jersey

Forming Prayers Partners and Teams

This series has has shown that prayer is not optional for our groups. Prayer partners and teams are essential ways to display the power of prayer in individual lives, in the group, and in our world.

There are many questions that need to be answered before launching prayer partners. These include the following and so many more: Are partners two or more people? When will partnership start and end? On what will they focus their praying? How frequently will they pray and in what venue.

In the book, It Begins with Prayer, after Dwayne McCrary asks how to partner up people in the group, he asks these 7 critical questions:

Are we asking them to pray with each other weekly or monthly? How will they decide on what day they will pray? Are we expecting them to meet face-to-face, by phone, by texting, or by some other means? How will we help them understand the need for building trust and keeping things confidential as much as possible? How will we explain the value of praying with a partner within the group? How do we deal with those who decide not to participate? What is the duration of the partnership—a year, six months, until Jesus comes back?

p. 26, It Begins with Prayer, by Dwayne McCrary

Prayer Partners

Your experience may differ from mine, and that’s fine. I have seen great benefits from prayer partners including only two people of the same gender who meet twice weekly: (1) by phone at a scheduled time and (2) during group time for 2-5 minutes. After checking on each other, they should check on (and write down) personal prayer concerns and then get down to the business of praying about those concerns and any others requested by the class or church. Of course prayer will continue beyond these times.

One of the reasons why I believe two prayer partners are better than 3+ is simply that there tends to be less talking and more prayer. Prayer should be the focus. In fact, another method is simply each person praying for their own personal requests rather than sharing them. This shares the requests during prayer with the other person. Those requests will need to be written down after prayer (so they can be remembered and lifted up in prayer).

I don’t want to diminish the importance of relationships and trust during prayer. In fact, they are essential in order to be honest and open in our requests and prayer. But at the same time, prayer is the focus. Ensure that prayer receives at least half of the time together.

Prayer Teams

In my mind, prayer teams are different than prayer partners. They would meet less frequently. They would have 3-7 members who focus on one or more specifically assigned/requested topics. The duration of the teams might be shorter or the assigned/requested topics might change. These could be cottage prayer meetings monthly or bimonthly.

Why did I narrow the team to a maximum of 7 members? In my experience, it is easy for a group to allow one or more members of a group of 8+ not to talk or pray. The larger groups don’t do this intentionally, but keeping teams smaller helps this to be less likely to take place.

Which Do I Choose?

Consider the differences between partners and teams. Review the questions above. Then I want to challenge you to enlist prayer partners or teams. Then watch as prayer empowers and changes the lives of group members, the class, and those for whom they pray!


Darryl Wilson serves as the Sunday School & Discipleship Consultant for the Kentucky Baptist Convention. He is the author of Disciple-Making Encounters: Revolutionary Sunday School and the Sunday School Revolutionary blog.

Praying for One Another

praytogetherWHY IS THIS IMPORTANT? Every believer should know that prayer is vital to the Christian life and necessary to access the mind of Christ and experience the activity of God. Without daily prayer we choose to live without being connected to God and His voice. Then the good things we do end up being done at the wrong time or the wrong reasons.

There is nothing more affirming and comforting in life than to know that friends are praying for you. Each person in your group has a private list of concerns to be lifted to God for direction, comfort and strength. Each lost person in your class needs to know Christ and the forgiveness and joy He alone can give. We need to pray for each other.

WHAT DO I DO? The most effective way to remember to pray for someone is to listen and understand their need and attach your heart to their situation.  The better you know them, the more effective your prayers can be. That’s why the group is so important to a Christian’s growth in Christ.

Help your class pray for one another by choosing to do several of these things:

  • Choose prayer partners
  • Write down prayer requests
  • Share prayer needs on your group’s Facebook page
  • Stop to pray when you remember someone’s request
  • Hand out prayer reminder cards during class
  • Spend time praying during the class session
  • As the leader, let them hear you pray for them by name.

Use your creativity to think of more ways to pray for one another.

And keep on praying.