Archive for salvation

One out of Three

thirdWHY IS THIS IMPORTANT? Andy Anderson did Sunday School research and conferencing for the Baptist Sunday School Board (now LifeWay) in the 1970s. He made an important discovery in his research among small, medium, and large churches around the country–who were in a mix of rural, suburban, and city settings. He discovered that when 3 lost people were enrolled and active in Sunday School for a year, one out of the three would be saved.

Because that research was dated, over the last five years I  have asked Kentucky pastors how many lost people are saved in the first year of attending their classes. The consistent responses from over 100 pastors is 50-100%! Wow, we need to enroll and care for more lost people in Sunday School!

WHAT DO I DO? Lead your class to see, pursue, and include lost people. Lead your class to…

  1. Pray. Identify and pray for lost people in the age group for the class.
  2. Connect. Get to know lost people, especially those for whom they are praying.
  3. Invite. Include lost people in your invitations for fellowships, projects, meals, and group time.
  4. Enroll. Ask them if you may add them to your class care list.
  5. Care. Contact them, pray for them, fellowship with them, and meet their needs.
  6. Example. Talk about someone you are praying for, inviting, and working to enroll.

Lead the class to make a list of lost people to pray for and reach out to. Lead your class to take steps this month!

Learn and Share a New Gospel Presentation, Share with Your Class

3circlesWHY IS THIS IMPORTANT? Learning and sharing a new gospel presentation is important for the leader, for people hearing the gospel, and for the leader’s class. The leader, as a Christ follower, needs to share the gospel in order to be obedient to the Great Commission. The leader needs to become acquainted and proficient with ways of sharing the gospel that will be heard in the hearer’s context.

Decreasing biblical literacy and religious skepticism have created an environment where new ways of sharing the good news are needed. The class needs examples from leaders who are growing in their capacity to share the gospel and with the encouragement that this is something they can do as well.

WHAT DO I DO? I recommend learning the “Three Circles: Life Conversation Guide.” The Three Circles is largely devoid of church language. And when biblical terms are used they are well explained.

This gospel presentation has sufficient training resources for the leader to learn it’s language and sequence. The North American Mission Board hosts online training for the method here: In addition, a smartphone app for iPhone and Android is available to assist both presenters and hearers.

LifeWay has produced a five-week resource for training a class in sharing the method called: “Life on Mission: A Simple Way to Share the Gospel.” Ultimately class members will find inspiration in the example of a class leader who will “go first” by learning and sharing a new gospel presentation.