Archive for sharing the gospel

Sharing the Gospel on Social Media

Social Media Statistics

Here are thoughts on how to approach being a witness in your social media footprints.

Connect on a personal level with striving to having a deeper conversation. Remember to “encourage publically” and to “challenge privately”

Believing the Bible (Biblical Word View) is not held by so many people. Start with your experiences in spiritual matters- then lead to the source of your convictions (Bible) as you are valued for your thoughts by the one you are seeking to influence. Your validation with your life gives credibility to the Bible.

Remember, your placement on an individual’s site/profile will convey you are in agreement to their position, practices and/or belief. “Silence Equals Consent/ Agreement,” avoid being silent-speak out in a redemptive fashion.

Develop a strategy with intentionality in your social media posts.

Reacting to posts requires maturity and prayerful thought. Remember to:

  • Respond after prayer
  • Respond/React after time
  • Quote people who you respect or reference materials that support your thoughts
  • Think of yourself as a coach – striving to help someone succeed in life and find real joy

Roger Orman is the Team Leader for the Discipleship Development Center and Sunday School Specialist for Mississippi Baptists.