Archive for Sunday School prayer

The Class Prayer List

For church to really have a vibrant, healthy groups ministry they must first establish and understand the elements of successful groups.  At the top of my list is an emphasis on prayer.  The prayer emphasis for a Sunday School class or small group must be …

… praying for each other,

… praying for those not in the group and

… praying during the group time. 

I’m amazed at the number of classes and groups that don’t spend serious time in prayer when they gather.  Sure they pray but it’s more like a general “God bless everything and fix everybody” prayer.  Maybe instead of taking prayer requests for 10 minutes and praying for 10 seconds we could reverse that.

Our classes and groups need to praying for those not in our group.  We need to be praying for lost family members and friends!  We need to be concerned about people’s spiritual condition more so than their physical condition.

And yes, we must be praying for each other!  Dwayne asks four questions to consider in strengthening our ministry of prayer in our groups.  First, “How do we efficiently gather accurate prayer requests?”  I hope that every time your class or group gathers, you provide an opportunity for the sharing of prayer needs.  Make sure that the requests are written down.  Second, “To whom should we communicate these requests?”  Not everything needs to be known by everyone.  There are some requests that do not need to put on the bulletin board or sent out in an email. Third, “How do we communicate the requests?”  My group sends out an email with the prayer requests before we even leave the group time.  During the week we get another email updating the prayer list.  Finally, “How can we encourage those making a specific request?”  There’s been times when I’ve just stopped right when the request is made and prayed.  I’ve even had the group to gather around the person and pray for them.  People are so very encouraged when they hear their name being called out in prayer.

These four questions will be highlighted in future blogs.  The one thing I would ask every class and group to is to pray for everyone in their group at least every week.  To verbally call out their name and their need(s) to the Lord.  You’ll be amazed what will happening to your group when they start praying for each other.

Dr. Smith serves as the regional discipleship consultant for the Georgia Baptist Mission Board.  He is a Sunday School, Small Groups, Discipleship and Faith Development specialist. Dr. Smith can be contacted at

PRAYING Together for lost Friends

I do Breath Prayer weekends with those concerned about unsaved family and friends. We exchange prayers by texting during the day. Here’s the format. 


Talking Points to influence our prayer are based on the story from SyroPhoenician mother who won’t go away. (Mark 7:24-30; Matthew 15:21-28) Her prayer was based on these points:

  • Her compelling need: a daughter’s torment
  • Her helplessness: can’t fix this herself
  • Her disqualification from getting an audience (pagan, woman, foreigner, Jesus’ “Do not Disturb” sign)
  • Her shamelessness: I’ll do anything for my child
  • Her acknowledgement: the Messiah, “Son of David”
  • Her humility: kneeling, worshipping. “Lord… Lord… Lord”
  • Her persistence: The disciples beg Jesus to send her away, she ignores them
  • Her passion: “shouting out,” “pleading”
  • A bewildering silence and seeming insult, “dogs” [doggies]
  • Her fixation on, “First…” (v 27); “Then I’ll be next!”
  • Her respectful, creative, desperate prayer: “Give me what I don’t deserve because of your goodness – and I need it now.” (Tim Keller)
  • Her anticipation, “Granted!”
  • Her honor: one of only two Jesus commended, “Your faith is great!”

Breath prayer: Lord Jesus, Son of God, hear our cry for mercy and choose, call and reveal Jesus to [our friend] (Galatians 1.15-16)


Talking Points to influence our prayer are based on the story of Four men partnering to save their friend (Mark 2.1-12).

  • Their compulsion to see a friend get healthy
  • Their decision: get him to Jesus, then we’re done
  • Their teamwork; can’t do it alone
  • Their “impossible… difficult… done” spirit (Hudson Taylor)
  • Their creativity
  • Their work maneuvering him upstairs, opening the roof
  • The crowd’s irritation with dust and distraction; but not Jesus
  • Their teamwork: Jesus sees their faith and responds
  • Our Lord’s affectionate, “Son…”
  • The bewildering surprise: spiritual healing first
  • Then physical healing, eliciting the man’s faith to respond
  • Our desire: creative, persistent, team faith

Breath prayer: See our faith, Lord Jesus, and forgive and heal [our friend] spiritually.


Talking points to influence our prayer are based on The widow seeking justice (Luke 18.1-8), the man needing bread at midnight (Lk 11.5-8).

Breath prayer:  Jesus, I persist in prayer, expecting a response. You asked, “Will I find faith when I return?” Yes, in me! Save [my friend]!

Written by Paul Johnson, Canadian National Baptist Convention Team Leader, Church Strengthening

Reaching Begins with Prayer

My dad owns a farm in northwest Louisiana. During the season when calves are being born, he will walk onto his porch at night with a rifle and a spotlight to keep coyotes away. He knows that many times the cow will seclude herself and birth the calf. Even though they choose seclusion, they need the group!

Like the farmer, you as a Sunday School leader have the privilege of praying and caring for group members and reaching new ones. Consistent prayer is a powerful tool! Yet, prayer remains the most undervalued treasure in the Christian life.

Wait, what!?

Prayer is NOT reserved for a special few but is to be practiced by all believers. The truth is that a believer learns this best in connection with a group of believers, like a Sunday School class. This vital relationship will provide at least three essentials for the believer:

  • Protection from predators
  • A foundation from which to flourish
  • Relationships that foster revival

A sheep is the most commonly used metaphor to describe a Christian in the New Testament. In Luke 15 we learn three valuable principles when guiding sheep to spiritual maturity.

First, sheep need one another to survive. I learned decades ago on my dad’s farm that predators rarely go after the herd, they prey on the isolated farm animal. Sunday school leaders must guide their members to regularly seek how to minister to participants within their group, welcome the wanderers looking for a new flock, AND provide an open door for the isolated individuals who may have never been born into a flock.

Second, sheep need the flock in order to thrive. In John 10:10 Jesus tells us that He offers abundant life to all who follow Him. You see, the Christian life is not just about surviving. Jesus tells us that His goal is that we flourish from the foundation that He has provided in the local church. So what’s the deal with believers who lack peace and power? Either they are not accessing the power available to them or they have never genuinely been born into “the flock.”

Third, sheep need deep relationships that lead to revival. The natural tendency of most sheep is to wander and push boundaries. Many wake up one day separated from the flock and lacking the energy to find their way back. Leaders, we must consistently provide a place for wandering sheep to return. To be like Christ, we must be willing to leave the 99.

Friends, if we fail at anything, may it not be in our efforts to reach wandering sheep or those who have never been born into the flock! And a key ingredient for ministering within the flock and reaching those outside the flock can be found in a group of believers who fervently pray.

Written by Dr. Scott Sullivan, Discipleship Catalyst with the Georgia Baptist Mission Board

It Begins with Prayer

It Begins with Prayer  Why the call to prayer is important today

If you had to define the basics of ongoing Bible study groups (most commonly called Sunday School), what would you include? Obviously, Bible study would be included, but what else? The past few weeks of social distancing, “safer at home” initiatives, and groups of less than 10 may have revealed those basics. We are not so worried about who will bring the donuts as we are focused on sharing our experiences, encouraging and being encouraged by other believers, and praying for neighbors who are more open to a wave and a conversation (even if it is shouting across the street). We are praying for lost neighbors, building community through prayer with each other, and serving each other through prayer all while doing some type of Bible study together…even if that is not at the same time or in the same way.

Leaders may be encouraging some of these actions, but these actions are coming from within the group as well. The things the group is asking for tell us what they value and why they are a part of an ongoing Bible study in the first place. Getting to the basics is not a bad thing. In fact, it should be welcomed because it brings attention to the more important things.

In It Begins with Prayer, we find a call to pray daily for lost people by name, to build community through intentional prayer partnerships, and to make disciples through serving with prayer as the starting point. While prayer is the unifying element, each supports the reaching, teaching, and serving work of an ongoing Bible study group. All of these actions can still take place in a “shelter in place” world, pointing to the necessity of each.

These actions will be just as important in the days ahead. Nothing keeps us from praying for lost people, praying with another believer, or serving others through prayer…nothing. Shouldn’t that tell us something about what the future of our ongoing Bible study groups might look like?

The ideas in It Begins with Prayer came from the notes of Arthur Flake, a leader in Sunday School development. Writing in 1920, he faced a time of unprecedented change. World War I ended in 1918. The Spanish flu pandemic ended in 1919, killing 3 to 6 percent of the world population (estimates vary). Flake proposed a simple plan for reaching people for Bible study. That plan was built around prayer. Could it be that God is preparing us to learn from the past? I’m not a prophet, but I do know that prayer changes things, and it may be time for us to rediscover that basic truth.


Dwayne McCrary – team leader of adult ongoing Bible study resources at LifeWay Christian Resources, husband, father, GDaddy, Bible study teacher to both empty nesters and 3 year olds, adjunct professor (MBTS), reader of history books, and road bicyclist. Copies of It Begins with Prayer can be purchased or downloaded (PDF and audio) at

Prayerful Dependence Changes Us


Sometimes prayer becomes something we do because we have always done it. Every week in our Sunday School class, we did the same thing – the “leader” of the class would get up and make the announcements, and then she would ask us what prayer concerns we had. And the list we would share sounded like the “wounded warriors of the faithful and family.” We really did care about people, and especially people that we knew well. Somehow the prayer support for these people just felt good! We would pray for them, and then the teacher would teach. Somehow, it just felt like the right thing to do.

Then one morning our Bible study lesson was on the Lord’s Model Prayer in Matthew 6 in the Sermon on the Mount. And we engaged in a discussion about what does it really mean to pray to our Father in heaven. We talked about the privilege we have to come to our Father and how we were taking it for granted each Sunday when we gathered. We looked at prayers of Bible characters and saw that when they prayed they really expected something to happen in their lives and other lives as well. God convicted us right then and there our lives were not being changed and our Bible study group was not been transformed because we were taking prayer so lightly.

So we changed our practice.

Here are some of the things we did:

  • We began our class with prayer, but with a prayer for enlightenment and conviction as we studied God’s Word. We asked God to open our eyes to His truth for us.
  • We enlisted a prayer leader from our class who was responsible for keeping prayer needs before us. In fact, the prayer leaders for our class were a couple. And they made prayer reminders for us each week of people and situations for which we needed to pray!
  • A prayer chart was begun which had two columns – one column was the prayer need and second column was the prayer answer. So each time God answered our prayer, we claimed the answer and gave Him glory and honor.
  • Every Sunday at the beginning of the class, a list was passed around by our prayer leader that asked us to place anything on that list we wanted to mention as a prayer request. Each Sunday, at the end of the class, we would get a copy of each those requests. Our prayer leader was very resourceful. She would make a copy in the church office and hand it to each of us. Then we would pray over that list and carry it home to use as for our personal prayer time.
  • We were challenged to have a personal prayer list with three columns – People in our Class, People in our Church Family, and People far from God.
  • Annually, we held a 3 hour prayer retreat at someone’s home just to listen to the heart of God. Many things came from those prayer times – the need and starting of a new group, the calling of a new outreach leader and care group leaders, a broken family brought back together, and the list goes on.
    Somehow we found that when we took prayer as our special communication with the Father, we changed. Bible study sessions became transformational. Our class grew. People came to know the Lord. People were called into service in other Bible study groups.

And just think – all that happened just because we decided to take prayer seriously! Prayer changes things, but more importantly, prayer changes us!

Prayer – Thank you, Lord, for the privilege of prayer. Help us to take communication with you seriously. Change our lives as we listen to Your voice and follow Your direction! Break our practices of familiarity and teach us to pray with an expectation that You will transform our lives and groups.


Ken Kessler is Team Leader for the Empowering Leaders Team of the Baptist General Association of Virginia!