Author Archive for Bob Mayfield – Page 4

How Many Lost People Should Be on My Roll?

Most Sunday School teachers want their group members to invite lost friends and neighbors to Sunday School. One of the best laboratories for Christianity is a Sunday School group, so it is natural that we would want lost people to join and participate in our group.

So how can a leader tell how effective their group is in inviting lost or unchurched friends to the group?

The simplest answer to how many lost people should be in your group is… as many as possible!

But practically speaking, about 12% would be a good target. So for a group with 25 group members, about 3-4 lost people would be the minimum in order for your group to consider itself an evangelistically engaged group.

Some ideas on encouraging group members to invite their friends to join your group:

  • Have 2-4 fellowships a year that are intentionally designed for lost people. That means, have a fellowship (social, party, etc) that a lost person would like to attend. Have a shrimp fry. Plan a barbecue rib party. The guys can have a night at the ballpark and invite their lost friends.
  • Encourage people in your group to actually make the invite and ask a friend to come to the group Bible study. The best way to do this is to identify a specific date to invite friends (the date provides accountability); have brunch/finger foods/; enlist a group member or two to share their testimony; then study God’s Word; share a simple Gospel presentation; and pray together.
  • Bring a friend yourself. As the teacher, nothing communicates as well as your own actions.
  • When a guest visits your group, actually ask them to join. Fill out the guest card with them. Be sure to thank them for joining your group!!
  • Follow-up. Visit guests in their home. Ask for permission to add them to the group. Send them an invite to join the group’s Facebook page. In other words, treat the guest like a group member – and they will become one!


Bob Mayfield is the Sunday School/Small Group specialist for the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma. Bob also has his own blog, as well as coordinating the BGCO’s online training site for Sunday School leaders,



Follow Up on Guests

Why should your group follow-up on guests that visit a worship service, event, or even your Sunday School group?

A simple answer: Because we should care about their eternal destiny and their personal spiritual growth!!

If a guest attends a worship service or your Sunday School group and completes a guest registration card, then it is very likely that they would like some kind of follow-up. If not, they would not have completed the card! My personal preference with follow up is to “follow-up with impact.” Yes, that means visit their home! Yes yes… I have heard how unpopular and unworkable a home visit is. But I also know from personal experience that a home visit communicates compassion and concern to a guest. If you are willing to visit them in their home, you have communicated that your group will go to great lengths to minister to them.

Other follow-up options also include:

  • Text message
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Form letter from the church

And yes, there is one form of follow-up that is absolutely the worst and can be summed up in one word: ignore. Ignoring a guest speaks just as loudly as visiting them at their home; but do you really want your church to have the reputation of ignoring its guests? Of course not…

So develop a system and work your system. Fine tune it so that your group offers grace and community to every guest that visits your church.


Bob Mayfield is the Sunday School/Small Group specialist for the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma. Bob also has his own blog, as well as coordinating the BGCO’s online training site for Sunday School leaders,

How Many Lost People Should Be in My Small Group?

How many lost people should we have in our small group?

That’s a great question! If your Sunday School or small group seeks to reach lost people with the Gospel, then it only makes sense that you need to have lost people in your group. The simplest answer to the question is as many as you can! But most Sunday School teachers or small group leaders would like some way to measure how effective their group is when it comes to sharing the Gospel and inviting lost people to be part of their group’s community.

The great Southern Baptist Sunday School pioneer J.N. Barnette actually researched the ratio of church membership compared to Sunday School enrollment and discovered some startling, although in hindsight, rather obvious information. Below is a graph from Barnette’s ground-breaking book, One to Eight.

One to Eight (1)

As is obvious from the title, Barnette’s goal was to enroll one lost person for every eight people enrolled in the group. However, he states in his book (page 7) that for most churches, even a modest +25% (1:13 ratio) would result in solid evangelism. Although these ratios might have changed over the years, the principle is still the same. The more lost people a small group can share the Gospel with, the more people it will see come to Christ. (In other words, your group will catch more fish in an ocean than a swimming pool.)

How many lost people should belong to my group- (2)

For a pastor or church leader, Barnette’s discovery emphasizes the importance of group enrollment. If more people are enrolled in Sunday School or small groups than church membership, it is going to see more people baptized. The higher percentage… the better! To hit Barnette’s reasonable goal of 1:13, then your enrollment needs to be 60% higher than your church membership (see chart above). If the church attained this number, then 12.5% of your Sunday School enrollment would be baptized every year at this ratio!

Personalize it
So let’s bring this down to an average group. In fact, not just any group… but your group. If your group has 26 members (enrollment) and 20% of the group are not church members, then your group’s membership would look like this:

21 group members would also be members of the church
5 group members would not be church members

Results:  2 group members would probably accept Christ as Savior each year (1 baptism for every 13 group members)

What is the essential ingredient? That’s right… asking lost people to join your small group (enrollment)! Now imagine if 20% of the people enrolled in your Sunday School were not church members? Based on our example above of a group with 26 members, then if your church has 10 groups, then you could expect 20 lost people to receive Christ and follow Him in baptism. Why? Because 1 of 5 group members are not church members and are likely to be unsaved.

The graph above actually illustrates two vital evangelism principles.

  1. Lost people must come into contact with the Gospel message in order to be saved (Romans 10:13). Enrolling unsaved people in Sunday School places them in a place where they can see the Gospel on display, hear it, study God’s Word, “kick the tires” (so to speak), and ultimately repent and believe.
  2. The second vital principle is that the percentage of church members that are participating in small groups reflects the value of the church’s commitment to its groups strategy to evangelism and discipleship. Churches with lower percentages may have a high commitment, but the communication of the value of its groups strategy is not connecting with church members. The less committed the church is to using small group organization as its primary strategy, the fewer church members will belong to a group.

Realize it
Here are five steps to bring reality to the concept of an evangelistic Sunday School:

  1. First, decide if your group is going to be evangelistic. Personally, I do not think that this is an option if you believe the Great Commission, and I can not imagine an open group intentionally choosing not to have soulwinning as its primary mission (see Mark 1:17). But…
  2. Have some type of Gospel emphasis at every group meeting. Examples… Develop a group evangelistic prayer list; enlist a group member share their testimony; invite lost friends to group social events; teach a Gospel presentation; memorize important verses about evangelism. Any of these activities can be done in five minutes. Rotate them and you can have one evangelistic activity for each Sunday of the month.
  3. Ask guests to join your group! Your group (and your church) may be missing out on dozens of evangelistic opportunities if you never ask people to join your group. If your group is that great, then who wouldn’t want to be a part of it!!
  4. Follow up on guests to church events. The men’s fish fry had guests attend? Follow up! The church just had Vacation Bible School? Follow up! Dozens of first-time guests attended Easter? Follow up!
  5. Celebrate what you want done. When a group members shares with the group that he or she shared Christ with a friend… celebrate!!


Bob Mayfield is the Sunday School/Small Groups specialist for the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma. You can follow Bob on Twitter at @bobmayfield and also follow his blog at Bob also leads the ReConnect Sunday School Initiative that produces quality online video training for Sunday School and small group leaders at


Stage 5: Deploy

7968765254_133dddc4b3_zEvery football season begins the same way for just about every team at every level. Each team has high hopes of a championship; develops a playbook; positions its players at their areas of strength; and has weeks of training and practice. Imagine how foolish it would look however if at the season opener, the offense went out on the field, huddled up, called the play… but never left the huddle.

As ridiculous as the above scenario may be, unfortunately it is a visual image of what happens in many churches all over the nation. Teachers have been trained and Bible study lessons have been prepared. Rooms have been furnished or homes have been cleaned and made ready for company. But the play that our Lord and Savior has given us is to be fishers of men; to share the Gospel; to make disciples! Can I share a three words of encouragement with you if this scenario describes your church and small group.

Run the Play!

The fifth ingredient of Flake’s Formula is “Go after the people.” Rick Howerton and David Francis define it using one word – deploy. Jesus said “Go make disciples…” It is an imperative direction. It requires action. Groups that choose to always remain in the huddle are not going to engage people with the Gospel. Many churches use a passive approach of engagement and outreach. Announcements about Bible study groups are made from the pulpit. But announcements are passive.

Here are three suggestions to help deploy your church’s groups (or your group):

Weekly outreach
Weekly outreach fell out of favor years ago. There are all kinds of reasons given as to why churches no longer have weekly outreach, such as; families do not like people knocking on their door; participation by church members is low; events at the church facility have replaced outreach; and… well it just isn’t cool anymore.

I was the interim education minister at a church recently. This church had not done ANY outreach at all for over a decade. They had adopted a “if they need us they know where to find us” approach. Now that is the ultimate “passive outreach” strategy! Instead of beginning an ongoing, 52 weeks of of outreach plan, we began with an 8 week outreach burst. We met on Sunday evenings and went visiting! After eight weeks, our outreach teams had visited in the homes of over 350 people! Our teams led people to the Lord. We saw people baptized as a direct result of our action-oriented strategy. Every week we heard comments like this; “We have visited several churches the past couple of months, but your church is the first church that ever came to visit us.” Guess whose church these people joined! (This church continues to effectively use this strategy of short, 6-8 week outreach bursts 3-4 times a year.)

Connection Day
You may remember it as Friend Day or High Attendance Day, but set aside a couple of days a year that encourages and organizes church members to invite friends to come to church with them. In other words, “run the play”. If only 10% of your people respond, your church will have a lot of new faces present and it will engage a lot of people that need Christ and community.

Special Events
If your church’s process for engaging people with the Gospel is to ultimately to get them into a small group or Sunday School, shouldn’t the church’s events help pave the way for that to happen? Every event hosted by the church should point participants toward small groups. Register every person present (you can not follow up on people if you have no contact information). Enlist a person or two to share their story at the event of how their small group has ministered and helped them during a difficult time. Always have a table or booth set up with information about your groups and a person or two to help answer questions or provide needed information.

Deploying group members is vital to making disciples. As group leaders it is important for us to create opportunities in addition to our Bible studies to help deploy our group members.

It is one thing to call the play…. but it is another thing to actually run the play.

Run the Play!!


Bob Mayfield is the Sunday School/Small Group specialist for the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma (BGCO). Bob also has his own blog at The BGCO also has an online training site with over 200 videos available at

Follow Bob on Twitter – @bobmayfield, or on Facebook – theBobMayfield

Stage 4: Determine

UNbuildingThe fourth ingredient of Flake’s Formula is to provide space. In their book Countdown, David Francis and Rick Howerton state this piece of the formula as determining a plan for providing space and resources. Any organization recognizes the need for space and resources. The issue is to determine a plan and then follow the plan. Space for group meetings rarely appears from nowhere.

Many people have a preference when it comes to space. Some people prefer the cozy comfort of a home. Others prefer their small group space in a church building with childcare and worship space close at hand. Some prefer a coffee shop, restaurant, or diner. Many churches leverage their space by offering two, three, and even four hours for small groups. The fact of the matter is that community can happen anywhere at any time. Yes, everyone has preferences. But preferences should never take priority over principles.

Notice Flake’s Formula says to provide the space. Not necessarily build it, just provide it.

As a young education minister, I served a church that was growing… rapidly! We were always on the lookout for additional space. We had groups meeting off campus; we had groups meeting on campus. At one time our church was holding Sunday School at 11 different locations at the same time. It was almost like finding Waldo! Two of those Sunday School locations were located over one mile from our church campus and another location was over five miles from the campus. We chartered city busses to help move our folks from the church campus where most of our children’s groups met to our off campus student and adult facilities. Our four kindergarten departments met off campus in a nearby weekday childcare facility.  I was apologizing about our facilities to a new member who was attending a Sunday School group that met in an empty pad we were “borrowing” at a nearby shopping center. It had no electricity, heat, air, or plumbing and the only light came through the front glass wall. His words were priceless: “Bob, I would rather attend Sunday School in an unfinished store front with concrete floors and metal folding chairs and be where the Spirit is moving than go to a plush, air conditioned room that has all the amenities but no Spirit.”

Community can happen anywhere because the Spirit is everywhere.


Bob Mayfield is the Sunday School/Small Group specialist for the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma (BGCO). Bob also has his own blog at The BGCO also has an online training site with over 200 videos available at

Follow Bob on Twitter – @bobmayfield, or on Facebook – theBobMayfield