Author Archive for Dale Davenport – Page 2

Introducing and Involving Your Group in Bible Study

The talk today is about relationships, transformational church and transformational classes. It is good talk but it needs to move to empowered talk, ignited by the Spirit of God working and moving in the lives of individual church members. Our goal should be to become genuine and consistent disciples who are excited and passionate about becoming disciple-makers. This means that things have to change in most of our churches and classes. We need to introduce more people to the opportunities of Bible Study and we need to anticipate more involvement from everyone. The question then is, how does this happen?

  1. Ideal Time: Find the best time when most of the people you are trying to reach and disciple through the study of God’s Word can gather together. It may not be Sunday morning.
  2. Important: You must feel that what you are doing is important. It is! You are dealing with eternal matters. Show this importance to others by your personal passion to open and study the Word.
  3. Inclusive: Cliques and other barriers need to be broken down and eliminated. Anyone and everyone should be made to feel welcome to attend this life-changing experience of studying of God’s Word.
  4. Interesting: It is imperative that the study be interesting. This means that quality preparation time is required. You must vary teaching by using various learning approaches. Teach with passion.
  5. Informative: As we teach we need to be informative. Remember, you are teaching/facilitating people in the study of God’s Word. Most people today do not know the truths of the Word. Inform them.
  6. Illuminative: Always remember you are giving light to many who are walking in darkness. Let the truth of the study shine forth in such a manner that people will be drawn to the Light.

People are waiting to be introduced to a Bible study group. People are waiting to be involved in a life-changing experience from the studying of the Word of God. Be encouraged to do more than just talk about relationships and transformation. Become the disciple the Lord desires you to be and the disciple-maker he commands us to be.    


Dale Davenport is the Director of Education for the Illinois Baptist State Association

The Missional Sunday School: Living Christ Outside the Norm

The Missional Sunday School is one where those within the church live out the purpose of Christ by His presence being seen and felt throughout the community. There is a positive convergence of the culture of the people in the community and the collective purpose of the mission of the Church. If this convergence is genuinely spiritual, there will be authentic disciples living out 2 Timothy 2:2, equipping and reproducing others in proclaiming the “Good News” throughout the community and the world.

The reality of the matter is that being a Missional Sunday School means becoming a radical class of Christians. Business within the church/class cannot continue as usual. Class members must become serious about Galatians 2:20. There must be an intentional life-changing dying to self and a daily growing relationship of living with Christ. When these two aspects take place in our lives, then the congregation/class starts to see the necessary shifts that must occur in order for spiritual transformation and genuine missional ministry to penetrate the darkness of the community.

Eric Swanson wrote about “Ten Paradigm Shifts Toward Community Transformation” that I feel challenges each Sunday School Class to become more missional.

  1. Build Bridges not Walls – Matthew 5:13-14
  2. Measure Impact not Attendance – Matthew 13:33
  3. Equipping Saints for Works of Service – Ephesians 4:11-12
  4. Service not “Serve Us” – Mark 10:45
  5. Partner with Existing Services/Ministries – Ecclesiastes 4:9-11
  6. Functional Unity – Philippians 2:2
  7. Bless and Pray for Your Community – Jeremiah 29:7
  8. Be a Minister to a Parish – Luke 19:41
  9. Have Valid Information – Nehemiah
  10. Be a Learner not just a Teacher – James 1:9

When we come to realize the spiritual seriousness of the situation and get out of our normal church mode, then we will start to act like the Church in Acts 2. When this finally happens, Sunday School will be more than a Sunday morning class time. It is all about living and loving as Jesus did.

Expectations of a Servant Leader

The New Testament church must become more acutely aware of the need and the accountability of its leaders. There must be an expectation and fulfillment of genuine servant leadership if the church is going to impact and transform the lives and community of its ministry. In order for this to happen, there must be an Unwavering Commitment  to Christ, to the Word, and to People.

There must also be a Personal Consecration, which means Personal sacrifice and Personal holiness, setting a leader apart from others. A Tireless Consistency follows, exhibiting to those around them an agreement in their “walk and talk,” and a life example of no contradictions. Leaders must also have a Spirit of Contagiousness. This is a genuine enthusiasm coming from the Spirit of God that works inwardly in the life of the leader and is manifested outwardly in relationships of the leader. Servant leaders must also have an Attitude of Cooperation that is seen through:


Teachable Leaders (2 Timothy 2:15)

Enthusiastic Leaders (Colossians 3:23)

Available Leaders (2 Timothy 4:2)

Ministry Oriented (Luke 4:18-19)

Witnessing Leaders (Acts 1:8)

Outreach Minded Leaders (Luke 14:23)

Responsible Leaders (1 Corinthians 4:2)

Kneeling Leaders (1 Thessalonians 5:17)

The final expectation of the servant leader is an Obedience to the Calling of the Lord. Servant leaders realize that they must continue to “Be diligent to present themselves approved to God,” and that in “Whatever they do, do it as something done for the Lord.” Genuine servant leaders make a difference in discipleship and in disciple-making.

For further help, read “The Seven Principles of Servant Leadership” by C. Gene Wilkes

The Bank, the Barber, and the Buffet

We are a busy, preoccupied people. There is a hustle and bustle not only during the holiday season, but also in our everyday lives. If we as Christians (commissioned disciple-makers)are to impact our communities with the reality of Jesus Christ, we must learn to adapt our busyness into Spirit- led opportunities to build relationships and  be a Gospel witness to those around us.

In Acts 1:8, we are told we are empowered by the Holy Spirit to be witnesses everywhere. In Matthew 5:13-14, we are told that we are “the salt of the earth” and the “light of the world.” This is not a “could be” or a “should be” but a “we are”! If we are to be salt and light and we are to witness everywhere,  we need to be looking at the places we go in our busyness, like the bank, the barber and the buffet, to build relationships in order to share Christ.

Our classes or small groups need to become comfortable, not in giving a canned Gospel presentation but in living out the Fruit of the Spirit from Galatians 5:22-23 wherever they might be. When people around us see a genuine attitude of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness and self-control being lived out in our everyday lives, it is a Gospel testimony of the presence of Christ in our lives.  Matthew 5:16 says, “let your light shine before men, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.”  When we do good works we are building relationships that open the door of opportunity to share Christ.

It is easy to attend church and become comfortable and even complacent in our Christianity.  It is easy for many of us to assume that someone else will share Jesus. Nevertheless, we must sense the urgency of sharing the Gospel with a genuine passion in the midst of our marketplace and our busyness. The parable in Luke 14 tells how the master orders his slave to “go out into highways and lanes and make them come in.” The Master has spoken to us in the same manner. Whether it is at the bank, the barber or the buffet or your school, salon or shop, start sharing the Gospel by living and loving as Jesus did in building relationships that matter for eternity. Any class can do it. It starts with you!

Expect Members to Grow

“Therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, I urge you to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God; this is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.” Romans 12:1-2

We are to be living, productive, and growing disciples. Whether we connect with the “Great Commission” of Matthew 28:18-20 or follow the mandate of Acts 1:8, we need to have the heart-set passion to not be content with where we are in our Christian growth but with where we should strive to be in our obedience and maturity in the Lord Jesus Christ. There is something terribly wrong in so many of our churches where someone can attend week by week, month by month, and year by year and never change. Hebrews 4:12 states, “For the Word of God is living and effective and sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating as far as to divide soul, spirit, joints, and marrow; it is a judge of the ideas and thoughts of the heart.” So if the Word of God is living, effective, sharper, and penetrating, the complacency and stagnancy of so many Sunday School members is not a problem with the Word but with us. The truth is, we have met the enemy and it is I.

The solution to the complacency and stagnancy is the heart-felt realization that we are expected to grow! There has to be from the pastor, Sunday School Director, teachers and class members an expectation and understanding that God wants to be actively involved in their lives on a 24/7 basis. Listed below are some helps in this expectation growth process.

Expect Members to Grow by…

The key is the “Expectation Level” of each individual member, believing that the Holy Spirit is present and wants to empower and guide them as growing members. This expectation level works itself out by the daily and practical application of the seven expectations listed above.