Author Archive for Jason McNair – Page 4

Encouraging the Unconventional

Why are we content to write a “0” in the column “Outreach Bible Studies this week” on our Sunday School reports?         

I remember a period of time many years ago when I served as the Sunday School secretary at church.  I completed the attendance summary reports after they were turned in and it always bothered me when I had to write a “0” in the column “Outreach Bible Studies”.  Week after week, I would do my job, but that lingering “0” just stuck in my head and I couldn’t shake it.  Why was our church not involved in penetrating our community with opportunities for Bible study beyond the walls of the church? I made a commitment to change that in the years that followed and would seek out creative locations that could host a small group.  It became a hobby of mine to look for unconventional places where community (verb) was already happening; it just needed an influx of discipleship and bible study.  I would encourage my teachers to take their class to local fast food restaurants on Sunday morning and invite customers and employees on breaks to join them for a few minutes of class time as they taught the lesson right there in the dining area.  A couple of my teachers started a truck stop ministry out by the interstate where they would share the Sunday School lesson to drivers who were passing through. 

I also researched what other churches had done in the area of missional ministry and I found a few of the examples hit close to home. I remember my grandmother who would spend Sunday afternoons in a nursing home near her church in Shreveport to re-teach her lesson to any of the ladies there that were interested.  In my home church, my dad would lead the singing and take turns teaching the Sunday School lesson at a local campground early Sunday morning prior to leading the same lesson on the local radio station one hour later.   

I challenge you to make a point this next week to look around your city while you go about your routine and think of ways you can start missional small communities right where you live. Here are some ideas to help prime the pump.

  • Hospital/ICU waiting area
  • Coffee shop
  • School teacher’s lounge prior to school starting
  • Company break room during lunch hour or before work day
  • City park/playground pavilion

Comment on this post and share your own ideas how you have penetrated your city with missional small communities.

Expect Evangelistic Prayer Every Week

Without thinking too hard, can you name two people you are praying for their salvation?  It’s not a trick question.  In fact, all of us probably know someone close to us that doesn’t have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  The question is “What are you doing about it?”  As a leader in Sunday School, it is vital that you model a habit of leading your class in evangelistic prayer, week after week.  I have heard of some classes that have made of list of names (first and last) in bold letters on a bulletin board and made a point to end every class session in evangelistic prayer for the people on that list who need salvation.  The simple act of prayer will move hearts to action. Your members will be challenged to do something tangible that will bring the person they are praying for to a point of making a decision to follow Christ.  Seeing the names in front of them will be a constant reminder of one of the core reasons that class exist; to equip one another to fulfill the Great Commission and live out the Great Commandment.

David Francis shares in his book, Connect3, the story of what happened in his church, Long Hollow Baptist Church in Hendersonville, TN, when members began to write the names of lost friends and family members on the walls of their worship center with permanent markers.  “There are literally names on every paintable surface in that room. And I don’t know if we’ll ever be able to paint over them! Long Hollow seldom has a worship service at which someone is not baptized and is consistently among the leading churches in the Southern Baptist Convention in baptisms. Wonder if it has anything to do with prayer?” NAMB has an article on their website entitled “Praying Your Friends to Christ” and in it, they share a simple acrostic that you can use to guide your class in having a H.E.A.R.T for the lost. Pray for:

  • Receptive Heart
    We need to pray that God would prepare the heart of the lost so that the seed of the gospel would take root.
  • Spiritual Eyes and Ears Opened
    The lost person is blinded by Satan and needs God to open their eyes and ears
  • God’s Attitude Toward Sin
    When He comes, He will convict the world about sin, righteousness, and judgment (John 16:8 HCSB)
  • Released to Believe
    Pray God would grant repentance and that the lost will come to their senses and escape the trap of unbelief.
  • Transforming Life
    Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God. (Romans 12:2 HCSB)

Visit NAMB’s Praying your Friends to Christ


Jason McNair is the Religious Education and Collegiate Consultant for the Utah Idaho Southern Baptist Convention.  He has served in the area of Youth, Collegiate and Education ministry for eighteen years in Florida, Texas, Utah and Georgia before joining the staff of the UISBC in 2009.