Archive for enlistment – Page 2

Leader Discovery Starts with Prayer


For a group to grow and be effective, a team of leaders is needed. A team provides accountability, synergy, and improved span of care (one leader for five people). Jesus modeled team, and He prayed all night before calling his disciples (Luke 6:12). We should pray too!


In Matthew 9:37-38 (ESV), Jesus said: “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” Notice your part:  pray that the Lord will send laborers. Your job is not to decide the ones He will choose. Pray.

Yes, keep your eyes and ears open after you pray. Observe what He is doing in their lives. Listen to their testimonies of His work in their lives and of their walk with Him. Keep praying.

Take the potential laborer with you. Do life together. Eat a meal. Ask for assistance with group work:  a visit, fellowship, or project. Pray together. Get to know the person better. Debrief experiences to discover awareness and insight. Keep praying.

When you are sure this person is the laborer the Lord has sent, ask him/her to come alongside of you to help you with the group. When you tell leaders you have prayed for them and observed God at work in their lives for weeks or months, they are more likely to join you. Keep praying for this leader and begin praying for another!