Archive for evangelism – Page 4

Connecting Your Group and Guests on Facebook

To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some. 23 I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings. (I Corinthians 9:22-23 NIV)      

Have you ever considered how Facebook can help your class reach new people and share Good News? Here are some ways you can do so:

  1. Advertise a Sunday School page for your church. The Millennials will find you on technology before they come to your church or class. Have a page that highlights every class with pictures, what you enjoy doing together, and what you are studying. They will feel more comfortable coming to your class if they see faces, and know more about the class.
  2. Advertise special fellowship and outreach events. Did you know that you can target groups on Facebook for $5-$10 in your area? I have a church in a small town that used Facebook for advertising a children’s event and gathered between 300-400 people. You can target age groups, affinity groups and more.
  3. Use Facebook to follow up your lesson that week. I have used posts starting Sunday evening through Wednesday to follow up a lesson with more questions, video links and stories so learners will keep reflecting on how the passage applies to life. An added bonus was when they responded. It goes to their news post as well. Of course, this means all of their friends including unchurched get to read them. (Please keep them positive and focused on Scripture!)

If we are to be all things to all people so we might win some, Facebook can be a tool to do just that!

Dr. Tony Brooks is the Sunday School/Discipleship Specialist for the Baptist General Association of Virginia. You can see his weekly blog at:
Facebook- @
Twitter- @TonyBrooks7


4 Critical Steps for A New Believer (Baptism, Bible Study, Prayer, Community)

Someone you know or a guest in the church has just become a new follower of Jesus Christ!!

Fantastic!!! That is wonderful…

Now what?

I doubt many people would give a person who had never driven before the keys to their new car. Someone who has just become a new believer needs some guidance as they begin their journey of faith in Jesus Christ. Here are four critical steps that you can share with a new Christian as they begin their walk with Christ.

Yes, the first step is to be biblically baptized. Baptism is an outward sign of an inward reality; that this person has found new life through Jesus Christ and has made Jesus the Lord of their life. Your church may offer a baptism class, or maybe counseling to help this new Christian with his or her new faith. Encourage them to get baptized as soon as possible.

Bible Study
If the new believer does not have a Bible, help them get one! Encourage them to read the Bible daily. A daily soaking in Scripture is vital to spiritual growth. Which translation should they have? Here are two suggestions: 1) the translation that the pastor preaches from; 2) the translation that you or your Small Group uses at group meetings. The book of Ephesians is a great book for new believers because it is full of the doctrine of the church and it is only six chapters long. Afterward, help them get into a daily Bible reading plan.

The best way to teach a new believer how to pray is to pray with them. Let them learn from you that prayer is a two-way conversation with God.

A new believer needs a biblical community. Encourage them to become a member of a local church. But they will need more than membership. They need a smaller group where they will belong. A Sunday School class or a Small Group is an outstanding place for a new believer to develop new friends and mentors; to study God’s Word; and for ministry and prayer. A Small Group is really how the church is organized to be… well to be the church! Most likely, the smaller group is where a new believer is going to find people willing to walk alongside him or her, and disciple them into spiritual maturity.


Bob Mayfield is the Sunday School/Discipleship specialist at the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma. Bob also has his own blog at
Follow Bob on Twitter at @bobmayfield and on Facebook at

How to Find Prospects for My Group

The best way to discover prospects is to ask your members. Take four weeks and emphasize family, friends, associates, and neighbors in prospect discovery.  Every week send an email/text or make a phone call to the members reminding them they we will need to have a name and vital contact information (mailing address, phone number, email, etc.) to share as a prospect.  If you don’t remind them to be prepared, you will not discover as many prospects.  As everyone enters the classroom give them an index card and ask everyone to complete it at the same time.  Remind them that they are going to share the name of a person that would fit the general age range of the class/group, is not involved in a church and/or Sunday School class, and lives within driving distance of the church.  Remember to take one category each week.

In the first week guide your people through the process of thinking about the family members that may not know the Lord or don’t attend church. Have them write the name and contact information on the card.  As an ending for the class/group time, invite everyone to place the cards in the center of the room and then conclude your group time by praying for these prospects. The following week you will do the same for the category of friends and in the third week you will work on associates.  An associate could be someone they work with, or someone in a community club with them, or another parent in their children’s PTA.  The final week will be focused on neighbors.

After the four weeks of prospect discovery, spend four weeks in prayer for those names discovered. After the four weeks of prayer, spend the next four weeks in training members in personal evangelism skills such as sharing their testimony, using a marked New Testament, sharing a Gospel tract/booklet and presenting a simple Gospel presentation.  After these four weeks, spend the last four weeks going after the prospects discovered.  Plan a class/group party and invite those you’ve been praying for.  Hang on because God will do something great in your church during these 16 weeks!

Make every effort to involve as many members as possible in the process. The more people involved, the more prospects you will discover.  If you ask for prospects make sure you do something with them!  Pray for them, go after them, share Jesus with them, love them, be their friend and watch what God will do!

Dr. Tim Smith serves as a state missionary with the Georgia Baptist Mission Board and is the Groups and Faith Development Specialist. Visit their website at for more information and other resources to aid your Sunday School or Small Group. You can also connect with Dr. Smith at or  Dr. Smith is available for conferences or other speaking opportunities and can be contacted at

Make Every Bible Study Evangelistic

Perhaps one of the reasons why Sunday School has lost its evangelistic effectiveness is because many groups have decreased their efforts in making each group meeting increasingly more evangelistic. One way to do this is by learning to teach with the gospel always in mind.

Every lesson can be evangelistic because every part of God’s word points us to some aspect of the gospel. One helpful tool has sometimes been referred to as the “Gospel Grid”:





Use this simple grid to think about how your teaching time best reflects one or more of these aspects of the Gospel:

Creation – What does this teach us about the power, authority, and holiness of God? What do we learn about His design and desire for a special relationship with people?

Fall – What might this passage teach us about how this relationship with God was broken? How does this passage picture or address the consequences of brokenness and separation from God?

Redemption – How did God, through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, provide a way for what has been lost to be found again?

Restoration – How does this passage teach or remind us about the coming day when everything will be made new again? What hope does this offer and what urgency does this require? How can experience a foretaste of this today?

This simple grid may help you give each lesson an evangelistic element that leads people to Christ.

David Bond is a Sunday School/Small Group consultant at the Arkansas Baptist State Convention.
Facebook – @DavidBond
Twitter – @DavidTBond
Instagram – @DavidTBond

How To Extend An Evangelistic Invitation In A Small Group

Extending an evangelistic invitation during your group time is easier than many think. In fact, how can we teach the Bible and the Gospel not be front and center? After His resurrection Jesus appeared to the two of His followers on the road to Emmaus “and beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself” (Luke 24:27).

The central theme of the Bible is: (a) Man has sinned and separated himself from Holy God; and (b) God loves man and has taken every measure to reconcile fallen man back to Himself.

Therefore, our Bible studies blaze a natural path to an evangelistic invitation! Don’t be afraid to walk that path!

Here are three easy steps to share the Gospel.

Seque – Leave 10 minutes at the end of your lesson and say something like…”we have seen man’s need for salvation”…”we have observed God’s heart for people”…”the Scripture clearly presents the Gospel”…etc.

Share the Gospel – Present the Gospel. Read verses in the Roman Road, pass out Gospel tracts and read each page as they follow along, have someone share a brief testimony of their conversion, etc.

Extend the Invitation – Say something like…”some of you may feel that God is speaking to your heart”…”God wants everyone of you to be saved,” etc. Pray for them, then offer to stick around after class to meet with anyone.

Allan Taylor is the Director of Church Education Ministry at LifeWay.