Archive for absentee

How Can I Encourage Class Member Faithfulness?

care4familyWHY IS THIS IMPORTANT? Dr. Thom Rainer and others have reported that one of the largest influences on the drop in average Sunday School attendance is the irregularity of class members. Absence makes disciple-making efforts more challenging. It impacts children and teens by making them believe that following Jesus and church involvement are optional. It can reduce relational connections and make dropping out more likely.

WHAT DO I DO? How can we intentionally encourage member faithfulness? Here are several ideas:

  • follow up every time persons are absent;
  • when they miss, express your genuine care and that they were missed;
  • ask key members to invest in those whose attendance patterns are declining;
  • contact, pray together, and remind them of the next fellowship/project;
  • plan regular class fellowships and ensure absentees get written and phone invitations;
  • plan outreach and ministry projects where participants can get to know one another while meeting needs;
  • give every member a class responsibility;
  • develop prayer partners (maybe regular with absentee) who pray together weekly by phone;
  • communicate how upcoming lessons will help them to live out their Christian lives in the world;
  • explain the benefits of regular attendance for themselves and their children;
  • have an attendance and/or contact contest with another class during a quarter;
  • use lesson icebreakers to help members get to know one another in fresh ways (for affinity discovery); and
  • divide the group during the Bible study into small groups (3-5 persons) for discussion.

Pray. Care. Contact. Listen. Help. Never give up. Never!

Contact Absentees Without Producing Guilt

ListenWHY IS THIS IMPORTANT? When a class member is absent for three weeks, absence becomes a habit. Absentees often begin to feel guilty about not attending. Attending members also begin to feel guilty about not reaching out. Caring relationships work to avoid that happening.

WHAT DO I DO? Because you care, reach out immediately after each absence. Make a contact–the more personal the better. In other words, make a visit or a call. Express your care, even if the member has been on vacation. How can we do so without producing guilt? Consider the following:

  • say hello at the door (or by phone)
  • say that you just wanted him/her to know you missed him/her in class
  • remind him/her about upcoming plans for a fellowship or project
  • if there was a previous prayer request, ask for an update (write it down)
  • ask how you can pray for him/her and the family
  • pray together
  • as you part, say that you look forward to being in class together.

If the person has been absent for several weeks, extend the visit for a few extra minutes. Attempt to discover a need the class could meet. Ask the absentee if you can pick them up for the fellowship or project. Talk about recent class activities. Share your Sunday School testimony (see Sunday School Testimony: Powerful Revolutionary Tool for more details). Talk about the current lesson series.

The bottom line is CARE. Contact with care because you do and no one will have guilt!